Margo's tactikPAK® Digital Series Apps
tactikPAK™...What is it?
An engaging digital tutor, tactikPAK™ is a perfect study-buddy. This patented series (Patent Serial No. 08/002,155) offers bite-size summaries of nine related topics:
Promotion |
Public Relations
Writing |
As chapters cover key principles, word acronyms prompt quick retention. Whimsical, color illustrations make learning fun and interactive quizzes allow you to gauge your comprehension.
It's a portable crash course. A fun, interactive learning system. Take your digital tutor with you. On your smartphone or tablet. Choose your mobile mentor: ebook or app.
Quickly master each subject with a few key principles. Each main point relates to a specific strategy in the form of an acronym. Each letter in the acronym explains that principle in more detail.

tactikPAK® eBooks

Advertising tactikPAK®
Advertising. It isn't rocket science. Or brain surgery. It's launching or re-establishing a product in the marketplace. And then positioning that product in the mind of the consumer. If you break marketing down to its basic components, it's a lot easier to understand.
Before you start, remind yourself why you're advertising in the first place: to create results.
More traffic. More sales. More awareness. So always, always, always...think like the consumer (target audience). And work backwards. Ask yourself, what are the results I want? What am I trying to accomplish? What do I want the consumer to do?
The good news is, in marketing there are always several right answers, not just one!
Remember to 1) become your consumer and ask 2) what's in it for me? These are your GPS and steering wheel.
Each step of this advertising workshop focuses on a specific principle. Simply apply that kind of integrated thinking as you go through each section, acronym by acronym. And, you'll be an advertising maven in minutes!

Copywriting tactikPAK®
What does it take to write great ad copy? Clever headlines? Catchy slogans? Compelling visuals? Cohesive campaigns? Yes all that and more.
You must also understand your audience. You must know how they live. What they value. How they liked to be reached. And whether they want to be engaged.
To best reach your target audience, you must think of them three-dimensionally and understand what's important to them.
That's how you can create a campaign that demonstrates the Three Rs: Messages that are RELEVANT and RESONATE with authenticity are REMEMBERED.

Creativity tactikPAK®
What is creativity? Is it being good at puzzles? Solving problems? Coming up with new ideas? Finding new uses for existing products? It's all of that and more. It's allowing yourself to find the "fun zone."
It's giving yourself permission to play. To act silly. To feel like a kid. The fact is, the more relaxed you are, the more creative you'll be.
So how do you begin? By deciding you're going to have fun. You're going to play. You're going to doodle, daydream and draw.
Start by becoming creative in everything you do. Whether it's writing your resume or planning a party. You look for offbeat solutions and unexpected alternatives. You start to let loose.
Each step of this marketing workshop focuses on a specific principle. You're reminded to ask questions like, "Gee, what would I do with this? How does this work? What's this for?"
Simply apply that kind of relaxed thinking as you go through the sections, acronym by acronym. And you'll be a creative genius in minutes!

Design tactikPAK®
Designing. What is it? What skills do you need? Do you need to be able to draw? To illustrate? To sketch out your ideas? Or can you still design without being an artist? Surprisingly, you can. How? By understanding the elements of good design. Start honing your design skills by becoming a better observer.
What corporate material or promotional messages have you seen that you thought looked terrific? Every time you see something graphically wonderful, make a copy or take a photo.
Ask yourself what makes each piece work? Can you separate and identify the elements that added to its impact? Was it the visual? Was it the typography? Was it the use of color? Was it the position of the graphics?
As you learn to analyze what works, you'll be able to incorporate those elements into your design. The more you sensitize yourself to "what's out there," the stronger your sense of design.
Each step of this Design workshop focuses on a specific principle. Each principle has a matching acronym. Every acronym offers one simple word as a trigger to help you remember to implement that principle.
Simply apply that kind of integrated thinking as you go through the sections, acronym by acronym. And, you'll be a master designer in minutes!

Presentation tactikPAK®
What is a presentation? And who needs to know how to present? Well, presentations are a part of almost everyone's life. In one way or another.
How? Well, if you're in sales, your presentation skills may make the difference between closing a sale and chasing one. If you're in management, your ability to present your ideas to the entire management team is vital. If you're in advertising, your presentation savvy can win or lose accounts.
Regardless of your presentation format - formal or informal, program or meeting - the better you present, the more effective your communication. And the more powerful your message.
What common components are present in powerful presentations? What makes them captivating? And, what can you do to improve your presentation skills?
Listen to critiques. Include visuals. Above all, be prepared.
Each step of this Presentation module focuses on a specific principle. Each principle has a matching acronym. This acts as a trigger to remind you to implement that principle For instance, E-N-H-A-N-C-E reminds you to incorporate visuals that strengthen your presentation. Remember to vary your speed. Use inflection in your voice. And engage the audience.
Simply apply that kind of integrated thinking as you go through the sections, acronym by acronym. And, you'll be a master presenter in minutes!

Promotion tactikPAK®
How do you promote your business, your products, your service, even yourself? Start by asking yourself what your objective is: More visibility? More publicity? More clients?
By analyzing your objectives and working backwards, you can more clearly understand what where to begin. All your questions can be answered when you know what you're trying to accomplish.
Promotion requires pre-program evaluation and post-campaign analysis. In short: What should we do? And how well did we do it? You may try different media. Different messages. Different approaches. Keep what works. Discard what doesn't.
If you could hire both an inside assistant and an outside PR firm, you'd have a solid grip on your public relations program. If not, how can you strengthen it?
Each step of this Promotion workshop focuses on a specific principle. Each principle has a matching acronym. A-C-T-I-O-N reminds you to 1) encourage your audience to respond to your message and 2) develop a relationship with your customer or client. It might remind you to evaluate your campaign.
Simply apply that kind of strategic thinking as you go through the sections, acronym by acronym. And, you'll be a promotional genius in minutes!

Public Relations tactikPAK®
Public Relations. Just what exactly is it? Is it getting articles in the paper about your company? Is it getting interviewed on TV? Is it persuading your public about your firm's benefits? Is it creating special events? Is it compiling a list of people in the media (press)? Is it sending out press releases (articles) about your company?
Yes to all the above. And more. If you manage your Public Relations (PR) properly, you can generate a great deal of "free press."
Why is an article more believable than a print, online or broadcast ad? Because someone other than the company is saying it.
Before you start, ask yourself what you're trying to accomplish in your PR campaign. The more specific you can be in your objectives, the more likely you are to create a campaign that will target the right reporters, and right public, with the right message.
Remember to ask yourself, if you were the reader of this publication, would your story interest you? Be honest with yourself. If it wouldn't, could you change it so it would?
Each step of this public relations module focuses on a specific principle. Simply apply that kind of integrated thinking as you go through the module, acronym by acronym. And, you'll master PR in minutes!

Resume tactikPAK®
How do you promote yourself? How do you create a resume that stands out from the others? Start by asking yourself what your objective is. First decide what you are communicating.
Then, who is your target audience? And, last what is the reaction you expect to create. By starting backwards, you can more clearly understand where to begin. If you were reviewing resumes, what would you need to see to stimulate your interest?
What should you lead with? What should you close with? What should sit in the middle? Where do you want to draw the reader's attention? Your education? Your skills? Your results? Your awards?
By prioritizing what's important to the reader, you'll be able to single out those areas to showcase.
The best way to look at your resume is to consider it your first interview. So, exactly what would you say to land the job?
Each step of this Resume workshop focuses on a specific principle. It reminds you to present your strength of character and your ability to inspire others.
What you say and how you say it will give your resume focus.
Remember to strategically analyze every aspect of your resume as you go through the section acronym by acronym. And, you'll create a masterful resume in minutes!

Writing tactikPAK®
Writing. It seems as if it's no big deal. Everyone can do it. Just put your pen to paper - or your hand to keyboard - and that's it. After all, you learned to write way back in grade school. You put a few words together. And, voila, you were writing sentences.
So what's the problem? If the act of writing is so easy, why is writing so hard? Actually, all you're doing is writing your ideas down. So someone else can understand them.
What exactly do you have to do to improve your writing? How do you develop flow? How do you keep the reader reading? How do you organize your ideas? And, where do you start? Start anywhere. It will minimize the fear of beginning.
To create flow, don't break when you're "in the zone." Finish putting your thoughts down as they come to you. If you don't feel ready to break, postpone it. Go as far as you can before you interrupt the flow.
Each step of this Writing workshop focuses on a specific principle. Each principle has a matching acronym. For instance, F-O-C-U-S suggests you find a writing process that works for you.
One might suggest you find a writing process that works for you. Another might remind you to delete superfluous words. Yet another might tell you to use descriptive adjectives.
Simply apply that kind of integrated thinking as you go through each section, acronym by acronym. And, you'll master writing in minutes!
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