Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed the class yesterday. The class really made you think.
The Miami Herald seminar participants - Thinking Outside the Box
RADIO INTERVIEWS WITH MARGO INTERVIEW AND DISCUSSION ON SUPER BOWL ADS - WJBC ILLINOIS http://www.wjbc.com/Tabid/7997/default.aspx?AID=13479 INSTRUCTIONS TO MONEY RADIO - Dan Merrick http://www.blogtalkradio.com/InstructionsToMoney/2007/11/24/Instructions-To-Money-Radio
TODAY'S AUTHOR - Blog Talk Radio http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7687179180344823698
RENEE BOBB SHOW http://www.blogtalkradio.com/TheReneeBobbShow/2008/02/19/Meet-Margo-Berman-Advertising-Expert-Inventor-Author Talk Radio 1370AM - Austin,Texas, The Ladies Room with Lolis Click here to download and hear radio show (44 mb. mp3 file)